Software is collection of program and a program is collection of
of software-
As the above diagram shown. before making any software first we see the
user requirement and analysis on that problem and think that what is output and
what is input. And then design the ALGORITHM.
ALGORITHM= > “Algorithm is sequence and step of program for solving
the problem”
Programming Languages
1. Low Level Language
2. High Level Language
Low Level Language
1. Machine Level
Language2. Assembly Language
Computer (Machine) understand only the binary number 0 and 1. And
Machine language consist the instructions in the form of 0 and 1 that called
the Machine level language. Computer understand only the Machine level
Main problem in writing the program in Machine language is that writing
the program instructions in binary number. Machine level language is not
portable. Every computer has it’s own machine instructions, so the program
written for one computer is not valid for another Computer. Low level language
work very fast.
We can say that Assembly Language is some advance version of Machine level language. And advance feature
is that instructions are in the English word like “MOVE” “ADD” “SUB” etc. So it
is easier to write. But Computer understand only Machine Level Language so
there is use a Translator that called “ASSEMBLER”.
Writing the program in the Assembly language to keep in mind hardware
structure. Here Assembly Language is not also portable because data stored in
the Registers Set and each have different set of Registers, so we can say that
Assembly language is not also portable.