C is most widely used programming languages of all time. Many latter languages have borrowed directly or indirectly from C, including C#, D, Go, Java, JavaScript, Limbo, LPC, Perl, PHP, Python and Unix C shell. In the earlier time every language was designed for some specific purpose.
For example FORTRAN(Formula Translator) for used for the scientific and mathematical applications, COBAL(Common Business Oriented Language) was for the business applications.
The C language was development in 1970s at Bell laboratories by Dennis Ritchie. Initially it was designed for the programming in the operating system called UNIX. After the advent of C, the whole UNIX operating system was rewritten using it. Now entire UNIX operating is in C language tool supplied with it including the C compiler itself are written in C.
Mainly C language was derived from B language, which was written by Ken Thompson at AT & T Bell Laboratories. B language was adopted from a language called BCPL (Basic Combined Programming Language), which was developed by Martine Richards at Cambridge University.
In the 1982 a committee was form by ANSI(American National Standard Institute) to standardize the C language. Before this there was an officially standard for C, many user and implementers relied on an informal specification contained in the book by Dennis Ritchie and Brain Kernighan, that version is generally referred as “K&R”C. Finally in 1989, the standard for the C language was introduced as ANSI C. Generally most of the modern compilers confirm conform to this.
Basics Form of C Program
First Program in C