
What is Microprocessor ?

Microprocessor is programmable single chip logic device that use to control any device or start or stop any device. On the other hand we can say that microprocessor is a data processing unit or data computing unit of computer.

Mean that Microprocessor is a programmable integrated circuited that have computing and decision making capability same as the Central Processing Unit (CPU).

Question- Application of Microprocessors in our daily life.?

We can see many application of Microprocessor in our daily life such as Lift system, petrol pump, ATM Machine and many more so that we can feel microprocessor a integral part of our life in the present time.
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In the really the microprocessor is clock-driven semiconductor device consisting of electronic logic circuits manufactured by the using either a large –scale integration (LSI) or very-large-scale integration (VLSI) techniques. The microprocessor has capability of performing various computing functions and making decisions to change the sequence of program executions.
Basically a microprocessor contains  three main components -
  1. Arithmetic / Logic Unit
  2. Register Array
  3. Control Unit

Block diagram of Microprocessor

Microprocessor communicates and operates in the binary numbers 0 and 1 , called bits. Each microprocessor has a fixed set of instructions in the form of binary called Machine Language. And binary Instructions are given abbreviate names called mnemonics, which form the Assembly Language for a given Microprocessor.

Arithmetic / Logic Unite

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Register Array

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Control Unite

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