
History of VLSI


Mainly VLSI was begin in the 1970s when the complex semiconductor and communication technologies were begin. It  is not a technology that not come in use in one night from sky.It developed stair wise sequentially one after one steps.

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Now need to go in depth. In the starting of 1920 inventers wants to control currents in solids-state diodes and want to fabricate triodes. I like tell here that in that time Vacuum Tube were used efficiently.

After a long struggle inventers find their problems solutions. Discovery remain continue till the 1947. While in that time second world war was going on. In that world war scientists were use the Silicon and Germanium crystals as the Radar Detectors, and this was the turning point. That scientists turn towards solid-state development, and finally in 1947 Bell labs give a invention of Transistor which make a new revolution in the Electronic Field.

When the small component, transistor is made then it is thought that now it is possible that on a small size chip many number of
transistors can be produces through epoxidation method and that happen possible but problem was arises when the number of transistor is increases then main problem was the complexity  increases, that how the transistors connected to each other. Because all the component are time dependent and as the circuit increase speed will be slow and time will be take more for processing any task. So this was the solution that use a small circuit like chip on which all the component are connected
sharply to make small size of device and component.

And this problem was solved in 1958 by Jack Libly at Texas Instrument by making all the component on a single chip. That transistor was not as like as present time transistor. This was the manually connected on the same block of metal on single layer of silicon without wire, and it is produces in silicon wafer.

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In the starting at 1960s in silicon wafer almost up to 10 transistors uses mean up to 10 transistors connected on one substrate that call Small Scale Integration(SSI) and then Large Scale Integration (LSI) come in use and after that in 1970 come
Very Large Scale Integration(VLSI). In the VLSI thousands numbers of transistors on a single chip were fabricated using wafer, and this call VLSI technology.

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