


The metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET or MOS-FET) is transistor used for the amplifying or switching electronic.


Although MOSFET is four terminal devices with source (S), gate (G), drain (D) and body (B) terminal. As shown in the figure. Usually body is connected to source terminal, have less use, them it also become three terminal device like BJT. In the present time MOSFET leave back to BJT while BJT Transistors Integrated circuited work faster then MOSFET (BJT is faster then MOSFET) and reason is that small size and power consumption. MOSFET operating voltage is low then BJT, size is also small them there can fabricate large numbers of transistors on same chip size.

Thus in the present time number of transistor in chip going to increase every day is result of these technology.

  • Introduction to MSFET
  • History of MOSFET
  • Fabrication of MOSFET
  • MOSFET Operation

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